Friday, May 17, 2019

Blog stage 8

   In a colleagues classmates done by Dillon he discusses the point of Senate Bill 406 which pertains to the carrying and storage of guns by gun Marshalls. I agree with this bill because if there were to continue gun shootings maybe less deaths would happen. I believe that school shootings happen constantly because there is not enough protection on our schools if this bill was to not be approved then other type of method should be implemented to keep out schools safe. Addressing this issue is key in order to keep our siblings and family members safe. Including ourself because crazy people are among us and those who live by causing harm to others.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Blog assignment 7

   In an article by Mike Moses from The Statesman post. The author addresses such issue over funding public education without constraining local control. Mike Moses at the beginning starts his article stating how Texas has been a low-tax limited government state. Being a state who is a “low-tax limited government state” means that it relies on a whole lot of sales and property taxes in order for the state to have funds.
   One major issue this could bring on is education and the amount of money that it can go to each district schools and so on. I believe that if Texas being such a great state does not have enough funds for the school’s in this state then maybe it could be leading to an end of being such a great state. Simply because as years pass by the elderly people start to retire and leaving such important jobs behind we are required to put someone on their spot that will continue to do a better job than the person before him/she. As Moses states “Our children are not Republicans or Democrats”. Meaning that voters should not be involved in such issue instead the state should focus on this issue and fixing it soon instead of creating such conflict involving voters and so on. Simply because we’re the future and the future needs well-educated people in order to keep this state great.
   It is pretty harsh to think that there are Texans in this state that disagree with such issue “that the Legislature and elected state officials will do all they can to appropriately fund public schools…”. Simply because they’re living a stable life does not mean that their grandsons will be in the same shoes as them. Texas as a whole needs to realize that times flies and that one day you’re in kindergarten and the next day you’re about to retire from your job and yes Texas needs to do everything to help fund public schools.