Friday, April 19, 2019

Blog #6 Commentary on Estevan Hernandez

  I agree with you Estevan Hernandez on the fact that more than half of the inmates that are held on jail facilities face charges with small amounts of marijuana. I believe that it should be decriminalized because not only does it stack up our facilities but it also affects them outside in the real world like you mentioned trying to find a job etc... It should be decriminalized on the fact that if it is then it would be under control and such fee could be implemented.
  Maybe one day not far away will marijuana be legalized and controlled for the use of those who truly needed and then maybe then our jail facilities would not be as over crowded as they currently are.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Blog Assignment #5

    On an original commentary about Texas and local government is over my opinion that Texas relies on property taxes as well as sales taxes to fund the functions of the state and local functions. Such functions involve the educations that Texas has. This extends to the point that there is not enough money to cover all expenses and putting restrictions on the students of not being able to do any funding activities.
   According to the U.S News Texas is ranked on number thirty-seven on the states level of education ranking this speaks to itself knowing that there are fifty states in this country. Also, the top ten states on the level of education are also in the top ten overall ranking for states. This is not a very good spot for this state to be in I believe that all Texans would like to be in the top ten states in the level of education because as generations pass by new incoming generations come along and they are our future. Knowing that students and our community is trying to generate more funds for education should have restrictions. In a Statesman post by Mike Moses, he states that the restrictions that are placed on school boards over funding money should be the same as to  "all elected officials: an up-or-down vote by the people holding them accountable for the decisions they make (or do not make) regarding funding and taxation". 
   In conclusion, there should not be any restrictions on school board members on trying to fund money for their school. Since Texas does not have enough money to fund the education then why should they put restrictions? Our government should definitely do something about this issue as new generations come better education is needed to make this state twice as great.